
Scientific networks & programs

iBraiN's clinicians are coordinators or members of different scientific networks.

ALS MinE international network

The MinE network is an international groundbreaking genetic ALS research network. To understand the genetic basis of ALS and ultimately find a cure for this devastating, fatal neuromuscular disease. The scientific goal are to analyse and to compare the DNA of at least 15,000 ALS patients and 7,500 control subjects with whole genome sequencing. 

More information

P. Corcia
CHRU Bretonneau ‐ 2 boulevard Tonnellé
37044 Tours Cedex 9, France.

Federative Research Structure -  Mental health, Neuroscience, Behaviour

  • 20 research teams 
  • 6 laboratories (Inserm, CNRS, INRAe, Universities of Poitiers, Orléans and Tours).
  • All labs are closely linked to a university hospital. 
  • Research domains covered: 
    • Pathophysiology of development and aging
    • Psychiatric disorders
    • Neurobiology of major functions and behaviors in animal models
More information

M. Gomot
CHRU Bretonneau ‐ 2 boulevard Tonnellé
37044 Tours Cedex 9, France.

iBraiN's staff are coordinators or members of different scientific programs.

Inserm program

Gold program

This program aims to create, using the resources of the Constances cohort and the General Population project of the France Genomic Medicine 2025 plan, of a cohort of individuals contributing to the identification of common genetic variants in the general population, and on which different phenotypes and biomarkers will be measured and monitored over time. Then, this program will propose innovative methods for integrating data of a heterogeneous nature.  Finally,  these results will be interpreted to better understand the role played by genes on phenotypes.
More information

F. Laumonnier
iBraiN, Inserm UMR 1253, Université de Tours
10 boulevard Tonnellé - 3032 Cedex 1, France.

Impulsion program - Neurotechnologies

This program promotes complementary approaches to conduct prospective research on brain imaging and neuromodulation with an emphasis on the portability of these neurotechnologies.

More information

A. Bouakaz
iBraiN, Inserm UMR 1253, Université de Tours
10 boulevard Tonnellé - 3032 Cedex 1, France.

UNESCO Chair in childhood maltreatment

The UNESCO “Child maltreatment” chair is an international cooperation system that encourages interdisciplinary dialogue to share solutions to prevent child abuse. The objective is to produce knowledge in order to contribute to the evolution of practice at a global level and to offer a compilation of online courses, educational mini-conferences with self-assessment and summer schools.

More information

C. Belzung
iBraiN, Inserm UMR 1253, Université de Tours
10 boulevard Tonnellé - 3032 Cedex 1, France.