
CHRU_tours iBraiN actively cultivates and sustains a close relationship with clinics. Every noteworthy new discovery made by the scientists at iBraiN is carefully examined for a clinical investigation in collaboration with Tours Hospital. iBraiN is working in close collaboration with the Clinical Investigation Center at the Tours hospital. This structure supports the various activities essential to the implementation of  clinical research projects. It comprises only staff dedicated to and trained in clinical research. Benefiting from a research site authorization, it allows carrying out clinical studies. The iBraiN Management Committee will take dedicated actions to ensure the successful clinical transfer of iBraiN's discoveries.


This clinical trial (NCT04199143) dentified potential cerebral mechanisms related to the antidepressant response of N2O, as well as potential markers for treatment response with this fast-acting antidepressant.

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This clinical trial (NCT02900053) reported that although well tolerated, active transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) did not alleviate PTSD symptoms compared to sham stimulation. Anodal stimulation  of the left dlPFC might not be efficacious in yielding beneficial  effects when combined with script exposure. Further trials are needed, using different protocols and targeting other brain regions, to explore the efficacy of combining exposure procedures with tDCS.

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Hypnosis for low-grade glioma surgery

This clinical investigation described that the hypnosis for awake craniotomy is rarely proposed although it is a suitable alternative to standard sedation in awake craniotomy for LGGs, with similar results in terms of extent of resection or survival.

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This clinical study reported the evaluation of a filtrating method called Multi-layered Adaptive  Neoangiogenesis Intra-Operative Quantification (MANIOQ) for the quantification of glioma vascularization and for their surgical management. Current protocols lack robust, automatic, and repeatable filtering  methods. Compared to reference methods in the  literature, MANIOQ provides a more robust, automatic, and repeatable tissue filtering. MANIOQ opens the way to an intra-operative  clinical analysis of gliomas micro vascularization.

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