Research training

teaching As a joint research unit between Inserm and University of Tours, iBraiN is highly engaged in research-based teaching and training. The iBraiN faculty members teach more than 10 disciplines in the field of chemistry, biology and physics and are participating in several teaching levels (LMD) in different faculties (Medicine, Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Letters) at the University of Tours but also at other French, european and international universities.

The disciplines are: biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, biophysics, genetics, omics (genomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics), mathematics, acoustics, imaging (MRI, US, PET), signal and image processing, radiopharmaceutics, informatics, philosophy, linguistics, psychiatry, psychology, neurophysiology, neurobiology, and neuroscience.

Indicators of this investment:

66 iBraiN's staff members are Professors and Associate Professors, 40 of whom have a medical activity. They teach a large number of courses at the University of Tours. They are also responsible of BUT, B.Sc. and M.Sc.

iut Institute University of Technology (Tours & Blois):

  • BUT in Biological Engineering - Cohead: C. Tronel
  • BUT in Multimedia and Internet professions - Head: Y. Mofid.

livre Faculty of Letters:

  • B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Linguistics - "Atypical acquisition and formal linguistics course" - Coheads: P. Prévost.

medecine Faculty of Medicine:

  • "Exchange and Development Therapy EDT" Professional training program - Head of pedagogical activities: F. Bonnet-Brilhault & Head of practical training: J. Malvy.
  • M.Sc. and M.D. in Physiology and Child Psychiatry - Training coordinator: F. Bonnet-Brilhault.
  • M.Sc. in Multimodal Biology and Imaging - Coheads: L. Nadal-Desbarats & J. Vercouillie.
  • Post-graduate diploma (DESC) in child psychiatry - Training coordinator: F. Bonnet-Brilhault.
  • Diploma of Specialized Studies (DES) in medical genetics - Coheads: A Toutain, ML Vuillaume Winter.
  • University degree in "Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in adults Medical and scientific aspects" - Cohead: F. Bonnet-Brilhault.
  • University degree in "Autism and related disorders from childhood to adulthood" - Head of pedagogical activities F. Bonnet-Brilhault
  • University degree in Obstetrics/Gynecology - Head: F. Perrotin
  • University degree in Ultrasound for Lower Extremity Sports Surgeons and Traumatologists - Head: G. Bacle

science Faculty of Sciences:

  • M.Sc. in Neurosciences - Head: S. Leman

Teaching activities

Some iBraiN's engineers and researchers are also invoved in teaching activities. iBraiN's staff members teach also at other French (e.g., Bordeaux University, Bourgogne University, Sorbonne University etc.), european (e.g., Utrecht University, NUI Galway, University of Barcelona, etc.) and international universities (e.g., Hokkaido University, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Holy Spirit University of Kaslik, etc.). iBraiN's staff members actively participate in university bodies (research commission, educational commission, governing body) and in the pedagogical and scientific bodies of the Doctoral School "Health, Biological Sciences and Chemistry of Life".

université University of Tours:

  • Member of Research Commission: P. Vourc'h, B. Brizard, R. Zebib.
  • Member of Governing body: C. Belzung.

medecine Faculty of Medecine:

  • Vice-dean: D. Bakhos.
  • Research assessor: H. Blasco.

doctoral Doctoral School "Health, Biological Sciences and Chemistry of Life":

  • Head of Health Technologies program: C. Tauber.
  • Head of Neuroscience program: Nadia Aguillon-Hernandez.
iBraiN hosts on average 30 interns/year, from different teaching levels, including B.Sc. and M.Sc, from the University of Tours and elsewhere.
iBraiN recuits on average 10 PhD candidates/year from the University of Tours and elsewhere.

Actions are being conducted for research and to further enhance training by:

  • Raising their awareness of science, research and our professions by hosting an average of 10 middle and high school students per year.
  • Increasing the attractiveness of the iBraiN to students by participating university open days, and organizing conferences & workshops in middle and high schools.
  • Exploiting iBraiN's research results in the courses.
  • Improving the social (e.g., afterworks, sports, cultural activities, etc.) and academic (e.g., PhD Student Days) life of iBraiN students under the supervision of Board of PhD candidates.
  • Promoting soft skills trainings online or organized by Inserm, University of Tours and Doctoral School (e.g., communication, listening skills, time management, problem-solving, leadership, empathy...).
  • Encouraging M.Sc. students and PhD candidates involvement in conferences and seminars.
  • Enhancing our M.Sc. students' readiness for the doctoral funding competition.