Green Lab

The GreenLab Committee develops and implements measures to decrease the environmental impact of iBraiN's research activities.


Areas of work

  • Promoting the principles of Sustained Development within iBraiN: Communication on the Energy Sobriety and Exemplary plan of Inserm and University of Tours ; Organisation of seminars, debates and activities around Sustained Development.
  • Providing awareness-raising actions and good laboratories practices: Promotion of reduction in electricity usage; Choice of greener alternatives; Biowaste and glass recycling; Eco-responsable purchases of consumables; Using of low-impact means of transports.

Actions to date

  • Dissemination of information and online training resources through the iBraiN mailing-list.
  • Redaction of a good digital conduct charter.
  • Redaction of an ecological motion in iBraiN's welcome booklet.
  • Tree plantation in collaboration with the city of Tours.
  • Greenhouse gas emission report using the GES 1.5 tool.
  • Organisation of a workshop to raise awareness on greenhouse gas emission with the "Nos vies bas carbone" association.

Current and future actions

  • Pooling of consumables (paper, software, etc.) for our unit.
  • Thinking on less energy-consuming research or travel practices.
  • Reducing meat consumption during iBraiN's events.

Our 2019 greenhouse gas report and our action lever

Useful links