Administrative Management Committee
Amandine Decarsin - Administrative CoordinatorFrédérique Godard - Administrative and Financial Manager
Valérie Hété - Financial Coordinator
Stéphanie Lepaire - Administrative and Financial Manager
David Lever - Administrative and Financial Manager
Rémi Magné - Administrative and Financial Manager
Linda Rouhault - Administrative and Financial Manager
Amandine Decarsin, Administrative Coordinator, is the group leader. She ensures the implementation of the actions decided by the Management Committee. This group also works in close collaboration with the administrative services of Inserm and University of Tours, acting as the interface between the scientists and the governing bodies.
Human resources
- Management of new comers (reception, authorisations, training agreements).
- Monitoring of leave of absence and teleworking.
- Dissemination of training program from Inserm and University of Tours.
- Updates of databases.
- Purchases on public contracts.
- Monitoring of the inventory.
- Management of the teams' finances (orders, invoices, missions).
- Advices and assistance in solving problems of all kinds.
- Dissemination, explication and application of administrative rules from Inserm and University of Tours.
Research contract
- Supports scientists for the financial and administrative set-up of projects in collaboration with Inserm and University of Tours.
- Contribution to the contractualization and regular overall monitoring of research contracts.
- Seeking solutions to issues related to the execution of research contracts.
- Managing of iBraiN's events (seminars, conferences...)
- Monitoring of equipment maintenance contracts.
- Conference rooms booking.