Science with and for Society (SwafS)

The committee implements SwafS actions of Inserm and University of Tours, including the citizen participatory science activities, the scientific, technological and industrial culture and the open science.


  • The committee meets every quarter to discuss progress on current and future SwafS actions, and organizes working groups on dedicated SwafS actions.
  • These actions are presented to the laboratory council to enable their implementation and to gather the opinions and suggestions of these members for future ones.

Areas of work

  • Favouring Citizen participatory science activities: Reinforcing the relationships with care recipient non-profit organizations and families, Applying to dedicated calls for proposal in this field.
  • Raising public research awareness: Fighting fake news, Promoting constructive dialogue between researchers, decision-makers and citizens, Disseminating scientific and technological innovations to disabled and restricted public, Promoting scientific and medical professions to school audience and specifically to girls and women.
  • Promoting and educating to Open science: Organizing workshops on the Open Access, the Open Research Data and the Open Source.

Actions to date

Current and future actions

Useful links

Charter for participatory science and research in France
The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
HAL Inserm
San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment
Open Science Committee