Ethics The committe provides to the Directory Board recommendations in the field of Scientic Integrity and ensures compliance with the principles of Scientific Integrity.

Areas of work

  • Promoting of the principles of Scientific Integrity within iBraiN: Organizing of seminars on the principles of Scientific Integrity; Distributing of the Newsletter from French Office for Research Integrity (Ofis), Disseminating of awareness and training tools in research integrity and ethics.
  • Providing support in reporting and handling cases of scientific misconduct: Referring to the competent authorities of Inserm (Scientific Integrity Department) and University of Tours (Scientific Integrity Office); Providing appropriate advice and mediation.

Actions to date

  • Distributing of the Newsletter from French Office for Research Integrity.
  • Dissemination of links to information and online training resources through iBraiN mailing-list.

Current and future actions

  • Including the principles of Scientific Integrity and their guidelines in the iBraiN rules.
  • Organizing and participating to seminar/conferences dedicated to Scientific Integrity.

Useful links

French Office for Research Integrity
Inserm Scientific Integrity Department
Scientific Integrity Office of University of Tours
LORIER Programme