
Executive Board

Pr. Catherine Belzung leads iBraiN, as Director of the laboratory.

She is assisted by Dr. Jean-Michel Escoffre (Communication and Science & Society Relationships), Dr. Marianne Latinus (Human Resources) and Dr. Frédéric Laumonnier (Logistics & Real State), as Deputy Directors.
BelzungNB     JME   latinusNB   LaumonnierNB

The Executive Board is assisted by three committees:

Management Committee

The Management Committee comprises a total of 11 members including the Director, the three Deputy Directors, and all four Team Leaders and co-Leaders. The Management Committee meets once a month and advises the Executive board on matters related to
  • Scientific management (research programs & contracts, technology transfer policy),
  • Financial policy,
  • Real estate management,
  • Acquisition of technological resources,
  • Human resources management
  • Health and safety policy, and working conditions.
Its decisions are based on members' consensus. The Management Committee also considers the opinions of relevant evaluation bodies (HCERES & Inserm) and Inserm Specific Specialized Commissions (CSS 4 & 7). It reports on its activities to the Laboratory Council.

Mrs. Amandine Decarsin, as Adminitrative Coordinator and Mrs. Valérie Hété, as Financial Coordinator assist this board. 

Laboratory Council

The Laboratory Council comprises 29 members including the members of the Management Committee, the Health & Safety Officer, the Radiation Protection Advisor, the GreenLab Coordinator, the Parity Correspondent, the Representatives of researchers (CR/DR), associate/full professors with and without clinical activity, medical doctors, administrative & financial managers, technicians/engineers, non-tenured researchers and PhD candidate, the Elected Members of Inserm, University and Hospital bodies.
The Laboratory Council meets every two months, and oversees the organization and operation of the unit. It is responsible for advising  the Executive board on various matters related to:
  • Scientific animation (iBraiN's seminar/webinar, General Assembly),
  • Training policy (staff training and training through research),
  • Health and safety policy, and working conditions,
  • Communication & SwafS policy.

Scientific Advisory Board

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) assesses iBraiN's management conducted by the Managment Committee, and each research team's scientific projects. It advises the Management Committee on:
  • iBraiN's scientific policy,
  • The research teams' scientific strategy (creation/transition, research areas, management, etc.),
  • Public relations.
The previous SAB (2021) is chaired by Pr. Olivier Bertrand (Neuroscience - Lyon, France) and comprised a total of 8 members: