
[RESEARCH] A brief look back on the 1st scientific day on Organoids, Tumoroids & Spheroids

1st scientific day on Organoids, Tumoroids & Spheroids
1st scientific day on Organoids, Tumoroids & Spheroids

from July 13, 2024 to August 31, 2024

with the help of Jean-Michel Escoffre

We offer you a little look back in photos on the 1st scientific day on Organoids, Tumoroids & Spheroids under the patronage of iBraiN, N2Cox, ISP, CEPR and Faculty of Pharmacy, and with the help of MabImprove Labex, Doctoral School SSBCV, SFR SaNeC, Inserm, CNRS, Inrae, University of Tours and University of Orléans.
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