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Chapitre IEEE UFFC France
Chapitre IEEE UFFC France

from May 6, 2024 to June 6, 2024

by Serge Dos Santos, Chapter Chair position until elections

UFFC-S had never had a chapter in France even if several international conferences such as IEEE IUS 2026 Tours, EFTF-IFCS 2017 Besançon, ISAF 2022 Tours were organized in France by several IEEE members of the UFFC-S. We finally corrected that and formed the UFFC France Chapter in early 2024. A key aim of the chapter is to provide an attractive forum for technical growth and professional networking for the France-area UFFC community.

For those readers that are local to the France area, consider joining us at an upcoming event and volunteering to help build a great chapter. Kick-off meeting is scheduled on May 2nd 2024 close to Tours area, in the Centre Val de Loire Region. We are also looking to partner with other chapters for future events. Contact Serge Dos Santos, to learn more. 

IEEE Volunteer Positions, Current Positions: 
  • Chapter Chair, France Section Chapter,UFFC20, Mar 2024 - Mar 2026
  • Counselor, INSA Centre Val de Loire Student Branch, Jun 2022 - Dec 2025
  • Action For Industry Committee, IEEE R8, Jan 2024 – Dec 2025
  • Industry Relations Coordinator, France Section, Jan 2023 - Dec 2025
  • Membership Development, France Section, Jan 2023 - Dec 2025
  • Professional Activities, France Section, Jan 2024 - Jan 2025
  • Secretary/Treasurer, France Section Chapter, EMB18, Jun 2023 - May 2024
  • VP for Technical Activities, France Section, Jan 2023 - Dec 2025
  • Number of UFFC members in France: 59 Members (06 march 2024)
  • 22 IEEE France Members supported the creation of the IEEE France Chapter (1 Fellow, 1 life Member, 5 Senior Members, 10 Members and 5 Graduate Student members)
  • Petition started on Feb 18th 2024 and approved on March 6th 2024
  • Kick-off meeting scheduled on May 2nd 2024 at Tours, Centre Val de Loire, France
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