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Racha Zebib

Assistant professor

Contact details

2 Boulevard Tonnellé 37044 TOURS CEDEX 9 3 Rue des Tanneurs 37041 TOURS CEDEX 1



Taught academic discipline(s)

• BA level in Linguistics (Tours): Written language acquisition and disorders, Writing systems and orthographies,

• MA level in Linguistics (Tours): Language and cognition, Introduction to research Methodology

• School of Speech and Language Pathology (Tours): New evidence on atypical language acquisition, Written language acquisition and disorders, Writing systems and orthographies, Language processing, Language and cognition, Applied statistics, Morphology

MA level in Speech and Language Pathology (Beirut): New evidence on atypical language acquisition

Research topics


My research focuses on oral and written language acquisition in typically developing children and in children with disorders (Speech Sound and Language Disorders, Learning disorders, ASD). I am particularly interested in the language-cognition interface and in language assessment tool development.

Ongoing Project
PRESAD : Predictors of REading and Spelling Acquisition and Disorders in children with or without developmental language disorder
Coordinator : Racha Zebib, Université de Tours, INSERM, Imaging Brain & Neuropsychiatry iBraiN U1253
Partners : Nantes Université, LPPL (Pauline Quémart & Corentin Gonthier) ;  Université de Lille, STL, SCALab (Lucie Macchi & Gwendoline Mahé)
Funded by ANR, Agence Nationale pour la Recherche – AAPG 2023

Recent Publications
Schaeffer, J., Abd El-Raziq, M., Castroviejo, E., Durrleman, S., Ferré, S., Grama, I., Hendriks, P., Kissine, M., Manenti, M., Marinis, T., Meir, N., Novogrodsky, R., Perovic, A., Panzeri, F., Silleresi, S., Sukenik, N., Vicente, A., Zebib, R., Prévost, P., & Tuller, L. (2023). Language in autism: domains, profiles and co-occurring conditions. Journal of neural transmission, 10.1007/s00702-023-02592-y. Advance online publication.

Chilla S., Hamann, C., Prévost, P., Abed Ibrahim, L., Ferré, S., dos Santos, C., Zebib, R., Tuller, L. (2021). The influence of different first languages on L2 LITMUS-NWR and L2 LITMUS-SR in French and German: a crosslinguistic approach. In Armon-Lotem S. & Grohman, KK. (eds), Language Impairment in Multilingual Settings: LITMUS in Action across Europe. John Benjamins, Amsterdam.

Silleresi, S., Prévost, P., Zebib, R., BonnetBrilhault, F., Conte, D. and Tuller, L. (2020), Identifying Language and Cognitive Profiles in Children With ASD via a Cluster Analysis Exploration: Implications for the New ICD11. Autism Research. doi:10.1002/aur.2268

dos Santos C, Frau S, Labrevoit S, & Zebib R (2020). L'épreuve de répétition de non-mots LITMUS-NWR-FR évalue-t-elle la phonologie ?. 7th World Congress of French Linguistics, Montpellier, France, July 06-10. SHS Web of Conferences 78: 10005. doi: 10.1051/shsconf/20207810005

Zebib, R., Tuller, L., Hamann, C., Abed Ibrahim, L., & Prévost, P. (2020). Syntactic complexity and verbal working memory in bilingual children with and without Developmental Language Disorder. First Language, 40(4), 461–484.

Zebib, R., Prévost, P., Tuller, L. & Henry, G. (eds.) (2020). Plurilinguisme et Troubles Spécifiques du Langage au Liban. Beyrouth : Presses universitaires de l’Université Saint Joseph.

Zebib, R., Henry, G., Messarra, C. Kouba Hreich, E. & Khomsi, A. (2019). ELO-L: A Norm-Referenced Language Screening Test for 3- to 8-Year-Old Lebanese Children. Arab Journal of Applied Linguistics, 4(2), pp. 24-53.

Activities / Resume

Other Publications

Tuller, L. , Hamann, C. , Chilla, S. , Ferré, S. , Morin, E. , Prevost, P. , dos Santos, C. , Abed Ibrahim, L. and Zebib, R. (2018), Identifying language impairment in bilingual children in France and in Germany. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. doi:10.1111/1460-6984.12397

Prévost, P., Tuller, L., Zebib, R., Malvy, J. & Bonnet-Brilhault, F. (2018). Pragmatic versus structural difficulties in the production of pronominal clitics in French-speaking children with ASD. Autism & Developmental Language Impairments, 3, 1-17. DOI: 10.1177/2396941518799643.

Fleckstein, A., Prévost, P., Tuller, L., Sizaret, E. & Zebib, R. (2018) How to identify SLI in bilingual children: A study on sentence repetition in French, Language Acquisition, 25:1, 85-101, DOI: 10.1080/10489223.2016.1192635.

Zebib, R., Henri, G., Khomsi, A., Messarra, C., Hreich, E. (2017). Batterie d’Evaluation du Langage Oral chez l’enfant libanais (ELO-L). Beirut: Pearson - Liban Tests Editions.

Bonnet-Brilhault F, Tuller L, Prevost P, Malvy J, Zebib R, Ferré S, Dos Santos C, Roux S, Houy-Durand E, Magné R, Mofid Y, Latinus M, Wardak C, Aguillon-Hernandez N, Batty M, Gomot M (2017) A strategic plan to identify key neurophysiological mechanisms and brain circuits in autism. J Chem Neuroanat doi:10.1016/j.jchemneu.2017.

de Almeida, L., Ferré, S., Morin, E., Prévost, P., dos Santos, C., Tuller, L. & Zebib, R. (2017). Identification of Bilingual Children with Specific Language Impairment in France, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 7:3/4, pp. 331-358.

de Almeida, L., Ferré, S., Morin, É., Prévost, P., dos Santos, C., Tuller, L. & Zebib, R., 2016, "L’identification d’enfants bilingues avec Trouble Spécifique du Langage en France", proc. of 5ème Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF), Tours, France, 4-8 juillet 2016. In SHS Web of Conferences (Vol. 27, p. 10005). EDP Sciences.

Tuller, L, Abboud, L, Ferré, S, Fleckstein, A, Prévost, P, dos Santos, C, Scheidnes, M & Zebib, R (2015). Specific language impairment and bilingualism: Assembling the pieces. In Hamann, C & E Ruigendijk (eds), Language acquisition and development. Cambridge Scholars Pub.

Zebib, R., Tuller, L., Prévost, P. & Morin, E. (2013). Formal language impairment in French-speaking children with ASD: A comparative ASD/SLI study. In S. Stavrakaki, M. Lalioti & P. Konstantinopoulou (eds), Advances in language acquisition(pp. 472-484), Newcastle : Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

LAMOPRESCO, Charollais, A., Marret, S., Stumpf, M. H., Lemarchand, M., Delaporte, B., Philip, E., Monom-Diverre, Guillois, B., Datin-Dorriere, V., Debillon, T., Simon, M. J., De Barace, C., Pasquet, F., Saliba, E., & Zebib, R. (2013). Comprendre le neurodéveloppement du langage, une nécessité pour prévenir les troubles des apprentissages de l'enfant ? Archives de pediatrie : organe officiel de la Societe francaise de pediatrie, 20(9), 994–999.


Maître de conférences / Assistant Professor

Additional information


  • 2023-2028 : ANR, Predictors of REading and Spelling Acquisition and Disorders in children with or without developmental language disorder (PRESAD) (633 411€), PI : R. Zebib (U1253, iBraiN, Inserm).

• 2023-2027: ANR, Language Abilities of Bilingual Children with ASD (LABA) (369 440€), Member (PI : P. Prévost (UMR 1253, iBrain, Inserm), Co-PI : U. Etxeberria (UMR 5478 IKER, CNRS)
• 2022-2026: ANR, Individual neurophysiological SENSoRY profiles in AUtism (SensAUry) (529 400€), Member (PI: C. Wadack (UMR 1253 iBrain, Inserm), Co-PIs: F. Bonnet-Brilhaut & T. Iuculano
• 2017-2018: Hubert Curien partnership grant (van Gogh program), Linguistic and cognitive abilities of French- and Dutch-acquiring children with autism spectrum disorder (3 700€), Member (PI: J. Schaeffer, Univ of Amsterdam; Co-PI: P. Prévost, UMR 1253, iBrain, Inserm)
• 2016-2020: Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research Internationalization in the Humanities Grant, Language Abilities in Children with Autism (LACA), Member (PI: J. Schaeffer, University of Amsterdam)
• 2013-2016: French-German project in Human science (ANR/DFG), Bilingual language development: Typically developing children and children with language impairment (BilAD) (176 877€), Member (PI: L. Tuller, UMR 1253, iBrain, Inserm; Co-PI: C. Hamann, Univ. of Oldenburg).
• 2010-2012: France-Lebanon Cooperation Program for Research Evaluation and Development (CEDRE), Identification of specific language impairment in multilingual contexts (20 000€), Member (PI: L. Tuller; Co-PI: C. Messara, St Joseph Univ., Beirut)• 2009-2016: French-Lebanese project (Saint-Joseph University fund), ELO-L: Evaluation du Langage Oral chez l’enfant Libanais (Test battery for the assessment of oral language in Lebanese children), Leading Member (PI: C. Messara, St Joseph Univ., Beirut)
• 2009-2013: COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research) Action IS0804 Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society: Linguistic Patterns and the Road to Assessment, WG Member (PI: S. Armon-Lotem, Bar Ilan Univ.)
• 2009-2012 ANR (BLAN 08-3-311192), Complexity and compensation in atypical language acquisition: A comparative approach (CAAL) (115 000 €), Member (PI: L. Tuller)

• Since 2020: Elected member of the ‘Education and university life board’ and of the academic council of the University of Tours

• 2018-2020: Vice-dean of the Faculty of Languages and literature, University of Tours.

• 2016-2018: Co-chair of the department of Linguistics, University of Tours