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Astronaut's cardiovascular adaptation in confinement, and in real and simulated microgravity

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Thèse de doctorat : Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé : Tours : 2015

This PhD work focuses on astronaut cardiovascular adaptation and deconditioning in real prolonged microgravity, short simulated microgravity (with and without countermeasures) and long-term confinement. To answer to this topic 3 humans experimental studies have been performed, and thus the present PhD work is divided into 3 distinct parts . The first one is the mission « Mars 500 » which consists in 520-days confinement with 6 subjects-volunteers mission. The second is the project « Vessel Imaging » whitch consit in a 6-months spaceflight aboard the « International Space Station » with 10 subjects-astronauts. The third is the « Short Time Bed -Rest (STBR) » study (12 subjects) which consist in a short period of bedrest (-6°, 5 days) with and without the use of two cardiovascular countermeasures by hypergravity (continuous or intermittent).

  • Dates
    Published on October 2, 2015, Created on October 2, 2015