Clinical centers

iBraiN's clinicians are coordinators or members of several clinical centers of Tours University Hospital.

CHRU de Tours

Reference Centers - Rare Diseases 


Reference Centers - Rare Diseases" (CRMR) are referral structures recognized for their expertise in the care of people suffering from a rare disease and for their commitment to research and training.

Clinical Psychiatric Centers

Clinical psychiatry centers are structures recognized for their expertise in adult and child psychiatry, and specifically on trauma, depression and autism.

Clinical Investigation Center (CIC)

cic The CIC 1415 supports the various activities essential to the implementation of clinical research projects: methodology, innovation, investigation, biometrics, coordination, data management, and partnership management. It comprised only staff dedicated to and trained in clinical research. Benefiting from a research site authorization, it allows carrying out clinical studies which are not part of a routine care activity.