Neurochirurgien principalement impliqué en Neuro-oncologie (dont la chirurgie éveillée des gliomes de bas grade), mon activité de recherche est axée autours de l'anatomie de la substance blanche cérébrale, de la tractographie IRM des faisceaux de fibres blanches cérébrales, et de l'utilisation de ces connaissances au bloc opératoire pour l'optimisation de la résection des tumeurs cérébrales.
Neurosurgeon mainly involved in the management of brain tumors and awake surgery, my research activities focus on white matter anatomy, fiber tractography, and bringing these technical skills and knowledge into the operating room to enhance brain tumor resections and patients quality of life.
Neurosurgeon mainly involved in the management of brain tumors and awake surgery, my research activities focus on white matter anatomy, fiber tractography, and bringing these technical skills and knowledge into the operating room to enhance brain tumor resections and patients quality of life.