
Le syndrome de glissement

  • Santé-Sciences-Technologie,
  • Santé-social,

le 9 mai 2019

Publié dans Rev Prat

Projet de recherche dirigé par le Dr. Desmidt

The « syndrome de glissement »


The "syndrome de glissement" The "syndrome de glissement » is a controversial notion that is still used by some French geriatricians, although it does not belong to any international disease classification and has very few evidence-based data. Some authors found clinical relevance to this notion, whereas others believe its use is potentially associated with certain risks. The clinical practice and the few available evidence related to syndrome de glissement" tend to suggest that this syndrome usually belong to other disorders including apathy, depression and delusional disorder. "Risks associated with the use of the "syndrome de glissement" include the risk of blocking discussion on diagnosis, clinic and therapy. In general, it seems possible to avoid the use of the notion of "syndrome de glissement" in clinical practice, which does not necessarily prevent to question the desire of death of the older adults.


#depression #ederly

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Dr. Thomas Desmidt :