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Ten tips for negotiating job offers


from February 3, 2020 to February 29, 2020

Published in Science Magazine

Wrote by Jay J. Van Bavel , Leah H. Somerville, William A. Cunningham, Neil A. Lewis, Jr.

Ten tips for negotiating job offers

With a lot of hard work and a little luck, many scientists receive an exciting phone call this time of year—a job offer. Despite years of work preparing for this moment, many of us are clueless about how to proceed. Scientists are rarely trained in how to negotiate. Some are reluctant to ask for anything they are not offered; others believe they should play hardball. In reality, you should aim to strike a balance between asking for the necessary resources to ensure your success while avoiding coming across as selfish and alienating future colleagues. To make this crucial period less stressful and more lucrative, we have created a list of tips to help you negotiate a better job offer. The tips are focused around faculty jobs, but many also apply to negotiations in general. Use them wisely! [Read more]

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