
Therapeutic strategies of traumas


on the May 23, 2018

Professor Wissam El-Hage and Dr. Mathieu Bilodeau have just published a French book entitled "Stratégies thérapeutiques des traumas" (Strategies therapeutic traumas)


Related to various events (accidents, physical or sexual violence, wars ...), psychic traumas are common and increase the psychological and somatic vulnerability. They constitute a major risk factor for post-traumatic stress disorder and depression, but also for addiction and suicidal behavior. Current research shows the effectiveness of psychotherapies in the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. What are these therapies? In which cases are they the most efficient?

This French book aims to provide the reader with clinical and scientific data on therapeutic strategies available for the management of patients suffering from disorders secondary to psychological trauma.

#Tours #iBrain #UMR1253 #Trauma #psychiatry
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Prof. Wissam El-Hage :