
Prof. Christophe Destrieux - Cerebral white fibers: from dissection to MRI tractography


on the December 13, 2018

From 18h to 19h
Faculté de Médecine de Tours
Grand Amphithéâtre - 10 bd Tonnellé, 37032 Tours

Conference held as part of the Conferences Cycle of the Research Department of the Faculty of Medicine

Cerebral white fibers: from dissection to MRI tractography

The alteration of the white cerebral fibers could constitute an important biomarker of many pathologies. Diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) is a noninvasive technique that evaluates the pathway (tractography) of white fibers from water diffusion. It uses mathematical models and provides only an indirect evaluation of the fiber path. Despite these uncertainties, however, it is widely used in clinical and research without being indisputably validated in humans [Read more].

#Tours #iBrain #UMR1253 #Brain #MRI #Tractography

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Prof. Christophe Destrieux :