
PhD Defense: M. Franck Patin


on the November 9, 2018

From 10h to 14h

Under the scientific supervision of Prof. Hélène Blasco.

Use of Metabolomics in a Mouse Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

M. Franck Patin will present his thesis work on the use of metabolomics in a mouse model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: from the understanding of metabolic alterations to the determination of therapeutic response factors. This work was done under the scientific direction of Prof. Hélène Blasco (Neurogenomics and Neuronal Physiopathology Team).

Blasco H, Patin F, Descat A, Garçon G, Corcia P, Gelé P, Lenglet T, Bede P, Meininger V, Devos D, Gossens JF, Pradat PF (2018) A pharmaco-metabolomics approach in a clinical trial of ALS: Identification of predictive markers of progression. PLoS One, 13(6):e0198116.

Blasco H, Veyrat-Durebex C, Bocca C, Patin F, Vourc'h P, Kouassi Nzoughet J, Lenaers G, Andres CR, Simard G, Corcia P, Reynier P (2017) Lipidomics Reveals Cerebrospinal-Fluid Signatures of ALS. Sci Rep., 7(1):17652.

Bruno C, Patin F, Bocca C, Nadal-Desbarats L, Bonnier F, Reynier P, Emond P, Vourc'h P, Joseph-Delafont K, Corcia P, Andres CR, Blasco H (2018) The combination of four analytical methods to explore skeletal muscle metabolomics: Better coverage of metabolic pathways or a marketing argument? J Pharm Biomed Anal., 48:273-279.

Delaye JB, Patin F, Piver E, Bruno C, Vasse M, Vourc'h P, Andres CR, Corcia P, Blasco H (2017) Low IDL-B and high LDL-1 subfraction levels in serum of ALS patients. J Neurol Sci., 380:124-127.

Blasco H, Patin F, Molinier S, Vourc'h P, Le Tilly O, Bakkouche S, Andres CR, Meininger V, Couratier P, Corcia P. (2017) A decrease in blood cholesterol after gastrostomy could impact survival in ALS. Eur J Clin Nutr., 71(9):1133-1135.

Madji Hounoum B, Mavel S, Coque E, Patin F, Vourc'h P, Marouillat S, Nadal-Desbarats L, Emond P, Corcia P, Andres CR, Raoul C, Blasco H (2017) Wildtype motoneurons, ALS-Linked SOD1 mutation and glutamate profoundly modify astrocyte metabolism and lactate shuttling. Glia, 65(4):592-605.

Blasco H, Garcon G, Patin F, Veyrat-Durebex C, Boyer J, Devos D, Vourc'h P, Andres CR, Corcia P (2017) Panel of Oxidative Stress and Inflammatory Biomarkers in ALS: A Pilot Study. Can J Neurol Sci., 44(1):90-95.

Patin F, Baranek T, Vourc'h P, Nadal-Desbarats L, Goossens JF, Marouillat S, Dessein AF, Descat A, Hounoum BM, Bruno C, Watier H, Si-Tahar M, Leman S, Lecron JC, Andres CR, Corcia P, Blasco H (2016) Combined Metabolomics and Transcriptomics Approaches to Assess the IL-6 Blockade as a Therapeutic of ALS: Deleterious Alteration of Lipid Metabolism. Neurotherapeutics, 13(4):905-917.

Patin F, Corcia P, Vourc'h P, Nadal-Desbarats L, Baranek T, Goossens JF, Marouillat S, Dessein AF, Descat A, Madji Hounoum B, Bruno C, Leman S, Andres CR, Blasco H (2016) Omics to Explore Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Evolution: the Central Role of Arginine and Proline Metabolism. Mol Neurobiol., 54(7):5361-5374.

#Tours #iBrain #UMR1253 #ALS #metabolomics

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